Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My new boyfriend.

It was about 5:30 a.m. on Feb. 21, 2006 when I got the call I had made my mom promise she would make the second she got the chance -- my sister and brother-in-law had welcomed Lucas Ambrose into the world. I was an aunt.

That has been more fun than I could have imagined, but still tough, considering I was 300 miles away for most of his first 2 years. I saw him for a couple of hours, maybe once every two months. When I first moved here, he would still call me "April" -- who is his babysitter.

But round two was a different story. I set off to cover a city council meeting Monday night, knowing Lucas' baby brother or sister could come any minute. When I emerged just before 10 p.m. I learned Anthony Richard had joined the brood at 8:27. Lucky for me, this time I wasn't 300 miles away, but closer to three.

On my way home, I stopped by the hospital and got to meet Anthony, who was only an hour and a half old. Although he seems so teeny, he's a big guy (especially if you ask my sister), with giant feet and long legs. It was so amazing to be there less than two hours after he was born.

While we have had a few laughs already interpreting his facial expressions, with Dan, in his best Brando, saying "It's not personal, it's business...just give me the nipple..." while viewing Anthony's first (of many) Aunt Kirsten photo shoots, we've been instructed his name is "Anthony" and not "Tony" (like my mom and grandpa) just like Lucas is just that (and not "Luke"). We're going to have fun with it anyway...

So, here are some shots of my new nephew. It's true what they say. You can love the second one just as much. I can only imagine what it will be like when I have my own.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Good looking kid. But don't ever make that face again.